Global Zero

Global Zero has emerged as one of the most remarkable social movements in history. Powered by a visionary group of 300 leaders and experts who support our bold, step-by-step plan to eliminate all nuclear weapons by 2030, the relentless creativity, energy and optimism of young people and half a million citizens worldwide, we’re challenging the 20th century idea of basing national security on the threat of mass destruction – and together we are making real progress on the road to global zero.

Global Zero leaders understand that the only way to eliminate the nuclear threat – including proliferation and nuclear terrorism – is to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, secure all nuclear materials and eliminate all nuclear weapons: global zero.

GZ has spent years building a nonpartisan, international community of influential political, military, business, civic and faith leaders – matched by a powerful global grassroots movement. Their plan is backed by experts and leading newspapers worldwide. The challenge now is getting world leaders to act on it – and only an unprecedented international demand for zero can create the necessary political will to make it happen.

Today, there are 17,000 nuclear weapons on Earth. Together, we can bring that number to zero.

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